Unleashing the Potential of Calgary's Premier Athletic Park

In 2010, S2 Architecture formed a decade-long partnership with Foothills Athletic Park to revitalize one of Calgary’s most beloved sports and recreation spaces. Our collaboration began with creating a comprehensive Master Plan that guided the park’s redevelopment and operational planning analyses. This strategic blueprint included recommendations for programming, facility enhancements, and replacements, all with the overarching goal of ensuring the park’s enduring utility for generations to come.

Our involvement extended to both Foothills Athletic Park and the adjacent Glenmore Athletic Park, spanning approximately 70 and 50 acres, respectively. These sites were home to various aging facilities, requiring a multifaceted approach. Our scope of work went beyond conventional architectural endeavours as we created a new user program that aimed to optimize the land assets of the Athletic Park to serve Calgary’s residents to the fullest. A Concept Plan was devised to steer capital investments toward new buildings and amenities, while an Operational Plan conducted an in-depth analysis of the potential expenditures and revenues tied to the proposed amenity program.

During the planning phase, we engaged with over 40 groups and organizations. This helped us gather diverse perspectives and understand the community’s unique requirements, resulting in an inclusive and community-driven approach.

  • Client: City of Calgary
  • Location: Calgary, AB
  • Services: Master Planning
  • Sector: Sports & Recreation
  • Size: 70 acres 
  • Completion: 2012

The Master Plan initially formulated in 2010 underwent a series of updates and refinements to adapt to evolving circumstances and aspirations. In 2013, we expanded the plan to include layouts and costing for a market housing component, further enhancing the park’s potential. In 2016, we completed another update with a focus on enhancing recreation amenities. By 2017, we took a significant stride forward by incorporating fieldhouse costs and curling rink costs into the plan, accommodating the potential hosting of Olympic events. This step-by-step refinement process, driven by our systematic approach to architectural planning, culminated in the 2018 Master Plan.

Pertinent activities on this project include: 

  • Assembly and creation of a use programme with gap analysis.  
  • Assembly and creation of an accommodation programme 
  • Review and assessment of multiple existing facility assets for re-use modification or replacement 
  • Creation of an Operational Plan analyzing potential revenue and expenses 
  • Concept layouts and test fit analysis of new programming components and the synthesis of recommended adjustments to the accommodations programme to maximize the space available 
  • Assessment and recommendation on project costing and optimum phasing 
  • The creation of an implementation schedule for the execution of the project