Bringing Affordable Housing to Kelowna's Centre

Located east of Kelowna’s downtown core, Bertram Street is a BC Housing project that will provide 176 affordable rental units to address the immediate housing needs of the area. The project is family-oriented, with most units consisting of two and three bedrooms. Additionally, fourteen townhouses along Bertram Street and the north property line have been included to create an urban “mews” and promote Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles.

The project’s design features a distinct townhouse and podium/base, with family units housed in a 17-storey tower above three levels of on-grade parking, necessary due to Kelowna’s high water table. Although this project can technically be built up to the property lines on the north and south sides, S2 Architecture recommended a “self-imposed” setback. This setback is intended to ensure a visual and physical connection to the surrounding neighbourhood and respect the existing neighbours and their potential future developments. A daycare is located on the southwest corner of the site, highlighting the age diversity of the overall project.

  • Client: BC Housing
  • Location: Kelowna, BC
  • Sector: Multi-Residential & Mixed Use
  • Completion: Ongoing